Customer Testimonials

I thought I would drop you a line to let you know that I am back on full paramedic duties on the rapid response unit I am coping very well and at the moment every day is getting better. I would like to thank you for your expert counselling and continued support. I am sure if it it was not for you I would not have returned to full duties.

After the loss of 2 immediate family members I too was diagnosed with a chronic illness. I was receiving ongoing medical treatment and all of this left me feeling exhausted, stressed and like I was severely lacking "me time", A friend treated me to a full body stress massage from one of your therapists. It was wonderful, some much needed space for me to be pampered without having blood tests and scans. I felt truly relaxed not just physically but emotionally too.... I've since gone on to receive Reflexology on a regular basis and would recommend it to everyone...

USS have provided support to my team following a long period of absence by myself and cover from a temporary Manager. The Counsellor provided a series of workshops to improve interpersonal relationships which were at an all time low. The first session using a critical incident debriefing technique exposed many issues and individual grudges as well as many positive ideas which were used to develop a new style of working. Over the following sessions a Staff Charter was developed and used to assess team relationships. The Counsellor was able to support team members to be more open and honest than they had previously felt able to be and gave some individuals insight in the effect of their behaviour on others that they had previously been unaware of. This was done in a skilled and non threatening way and all team members evaluated the series of workshops very highly. Team members were able to contact the counsellor for individual support both after and between workshops if required. The team is now performing extremely well and their work has been recognised nationally in awards and publications. I would highly recommend this service to any Manager who values the individuals working within their teams and wishes to provide a safe emotional working environment and a cohesive and well performing team.

I feel the need to write to you and express my heartfelt gratitude for the wonderful counselling I have received from your team. I am aware that without Counselling I could not perhaps be as strong and focused as I am today both as a professional and also in my personal capacity. It is through counselling that I am managing to come to terms with the traumatic experiences which have occurred in my life.

Just thought I would send you a letter to show my appreciation for all the Support I received from you following the tragic fatal accident of my colleague that I witnessed. I feel that the Service I received was of great benefit to me and I know that you were always there for me when I needed to talk, to help me cope with the trauma I was experiencing. Nothing was too much trouble for you. You gave me support through the Coroner's Hearing which I appreciated. I know that If I ever needed support in the future that I could contact you for Support.

Many thanks for coming to our Team meeting to talk about managing stress. The presentation and discussions was very well received and the feed back from the Team Leaders excellent.They found the discussion and presentation very useful and Im sure going forward will use the information wisely.